VOTE for Dr. Luis Carlos Davis

Monday, June 17, 2024

$4 Million missing +11 transactions unnoticed of $375 thousand +in 6 months time frame = MANUEL RUIZ, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 1




Ruiz said, “He hopes they can provide an open, public update in about 60 days, but he isn't committed to the timeframe. He emphasized they will take their time to "do this right" before providing further information to the public.”

Manny, what exactly does "doing this right" entail? Are you underestimating the intelligence of the Santa Cruz County community with your statements in this interview? The elections are less than 60 days away, and you cannot expect to easily escape scrutiny. Times have changed, and we, the community, are extremely upset and frustrated by this situation. In case you haven't noticed, everyone in our community is discussing this lamentable situation. If you doubt it, read the comments on social media and news websites—they continue to multiply.

It is time to address the most pressing concern in our community: Why was more than $4 million in taxpayer money stolen under your supervision. This lack of oversight during your 23 years as Santa Cruz County Supervisor of District 1 is unacceptable to your constituents.

Chairman Manny Ruiz told News 4 Tucson, “that there is little they can disclose while the FBI investigates former Treasurer Elizabeth Gutfahr.”

Manny, once again, you are underestimating the intelligence of Santa Cruz County residents. There is a lot you can disclose about this alarming matter, which impacts schools, the Provisional Community College, first responders, and the community at large. Let's be clear: the FBI investigation and the events leading up to the theft of over $4 million are separate issues. The stolen money is the CAUSE, and the FBI investigation is the EFFECT. What we, the community, need is full transparency about the CAUSE.

  • Under your supervision and leadership as Chair of Santa Cruz County District 1, now serving your fifth term, how was it possible for taxpayer money to be stolen in the first place?
  • Why wasn't there a robust system in place to promptly detect and notify you as a Santa Cruz Supervisor of any suspicious transactions?
  • Why did the bank detect the 11 transactions of $375 thousand each and inform you as a supervisor, rather than the other way around?
  • Why did it take six months to uncover these illicit transactions?
  • Do you think this would happen in communities like Oro Valley, Scottsdale or Marana. Why here in Santa Cruz County? 
  • Why does the community of Santa Cruz County have to learn about this tragic situation through the media instead of you, the Santa Cruz County Supervisor of District 1
  • What promises and guarantees can you make that this will not happen again? Under your leadership, there was a county treasure that was suspended before and another one that is currently under investigation for misappropriating funds.

Manny, it is time to take decisive action, take full responsibility, and address this situation immediately. A total of 11 transactions of 375 thousand, during a 6 months time frame; that is more than 4 Million dollars missing. It is unethical and unacceptable; they are taxpayers' money and we have all the right to know now, not in 60 days, but now.



  1. I am just disgusted. FOUR MILLION Dolllars, this was not done by herself, Jennifer St John(former County Mgr). Manny Ruiz, Rudy Molera, Bruce Bracker should have all been aware of this problem. As well as our Finance Dept, where were they? Nothing personal, but Liz Guthfar WAS NOT ALONE IN THIS $heist,there was help and payoffs. Dig deep will be very surprised at what you uncover.

  2. I am surprised no audits(maybe not so surprised as this has been going on with the same politicians in office year after ..year)mentioofaudimention of any audits as this could have avoided this missing $
