My everyday - Mi dia a dia

Monday, February 14, 2011


Cuando la esperanza muere, cierta gente recurre a la SANTA MUERTE. Este fin de semana tenia que enviar un correo electrónico de emergencia y como mi celular se quedo sin batería, pare brevemente en un café con internet. En eso pasa un señor por la calle cargando en sus hombros a La SANTA MUERTE y se detuvo en la calle a descansar. Me levante y le pregunte que si le podía tomar unas foto al santo y me dijo que si. Me conto que la acababa de comprar, le había costado 100 dólares y la llevaba a su casa en donde le había hecho un altar. Me contó que la economía se había puesto muy dura en el país y con una esposa enferma de cáncer, le orillo a pedir ayuda a la SANTA MUERTE. Me dijo que la SANTA MUERTE es muy cumplidora, pero que todo te cobra y no perdona nada. Le pregunte que había pedido y me dijo que eso no me podía decir, que era un trato entre la SANTA MUERTE y el. Solo me dijo que lo viera bien, que no se me olvidara su cara, porque muy pronto el mundo entero iba a saber de el. Me dio la mano, se despidio y siguió subiendo el cerro con La Santa Muerte es sus brazos.

When hope dies, certain people turn to SAINT DEATH. This weekend I had to send an emergency email and my phone battery ran out, so I stop briefly at an Internet café. Suddenly a man who was walking on the street and carrying on his shoulders the SAINT DEATH stopped to rest. I got up and asked him if I could take a picture at the Saint and I said sure. He said that he had just bought it for $100 and he was taking it to his house where he had built an altar for it. He told me that due to the harsh economy in the country and a wife with cancer, he opted for Saint Death’s help. He explained to me that the SAINT DEATH is very helpful but doesn't forgives anything and it comes with a high price. I asked him what he had asked for, and he said he couldn't tell me, that that was a deal between the SAINT DEATH and him. He only said, to take a good look at him, and don't forget his face, because very soon the entire world would know who he is. He shook my hand, and continue on his journey up hill with the DEATH SAINT on his arms.

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