My everyday - Mi dia a dia

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tengo Una Novia que es granjera en FARMVILLE (FARMVILLE SONG)

Click link to see music video

Letra de canción en español

Tengo una novia que es grajera en Facebook. Y cuando quiero platicar con ella, siempre me dice que no la interrumpa, que esta trabajando que esta granjeando en su milpa de Farmville. Le mandan cabras y arbolitos y cerquitos. Y yo como idiota solo miro sin saber quien le manda tantos regalitos a mi amor. Y hace puntos por sembrar y cosechar. Y los usa para comprar semillas y edificios, chiken cooks para sus pollitos y casitas. Mientas de verdad. En donde ella vive. Es un desastre total.

English song lyrics
I have a girlfriend who is a farmer on Facebook. And when I try to talk to her, she always tells me not to interrupt, that she’s working, that she’s farming on her Farmville farm. They send her cows and little trees and little fences. And I just stare like an idiot without knowing who is sending all those gifts to my love. And she scores points by planting and harvesting. And she uses them to buy some seeds and buildings, chicken coops for her chicks and small houses. Meanwhile her real house where she lives is a total disaster.

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